Sexual and reproductive health is fundamental to individuals, couples and families, and to the social and economic development of communities and nations. As provided in the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), the organization’s objective is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”, and to fulfil that objective, WHO’s functions include providing technical assistance to countries in the field of health. Universal access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services is central to both individual and community health, as well as the realization of human rights. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and based on lessons learnt from previous disease outbreaks – when SRH services have been severely disrupted, causing individuals to feel disempowered and be exposed to preventable health risks – WHO has included comprehensive abortion care in the list of essential health services in certain recent technical publications.1
With an aim to reduce the unmet need for contraceptives in Bangladesh and to deliver PPFP and PAFP services to women with a special focus on promoting LARC and PM, Ipas implemented QFP project from October 2016 to July 2021. This study assessed the contribution of QFP project to promote LARC and PM in Ipas intervention facilities in Bangladesh to identify the enablers and/or hinders in uptake of LARC and PM.
Ipas implemented a project titled “Family Planning in Bangladesh: Improving Quality and Access” briefly called QFP (Quality Family Planning) Project. The project activities were implemented during October 2016 – July 2021. This study aimed to assess the QFP project initiatives to strengthen family planning (FP), menstrual regulations (MR), and postabortion care (PAC) services and to assess the progress towards institutionalization of FP, MR and PAC services in Director General Health Service (DGHS) system.
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This evaluation report details the 2022 performance evaluation of the “Humanitarian Response Program” implemented in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh by Ipas.
Family planning brochure for SBCC.
Findings from two studies:
The qualitative study is “Exploring Availability, Acceptability, Misconceptions, Myths and Social Barriers Related to Family Planning, Menstrual Regulation, and Post Abortion Care Services Among Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN).”
The quantitative study is on the “Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Sources of Information about Family Planning, Menstrual Regulation, and Post Abortion Care Services Among Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals’ (FDMN).”
Brief description of “Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” project.
SBCC activity in the Rohingya community.
Political Economy Analysis of Bangladesh Family Planning Program.
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Research brief -The impact of climate change on women’s sexual and reproductive health in communities in Khulna, Bangladesh.
Posters in native language.
The Photovoice Album presents a collection of 26 photo stories captured by 25 dedicated community youth volunteers from North and South City Corporation areas of Dhaka. These photo stories shed light on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) scenario in these communities, offering a firsthand perspective on the issues and challenges faced by women and adolescents living in low-socio economic areas of Dhaka.
The SBCC strategy developed by the Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Dhaka Project will serve as a roadmap for communication activities that aims to raise awareness, change behaviors, and improve access to SRHR services. Key components of the strategy include targeted messaging, community mobilization, capacity building for service providers, and the use of various communication channels.
Although Bangladesh has made noticeable progress in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity over the past decades the total fertility rate is higher than the wanted fertility rate and the use of modern contraceptives is lower than the demand, indicating unmet need for family planning. Further, the use of long-acting and permanent methods in Bangladesh is low and misconception on family planning methods is prevalent. Women’s and girls’ ability to access sexual and reproductive health service, including family planning services, and their utilization of these services are influenced by a number of factors, amongst others, cultural and societal norms and personal knowledge and beliefs.
This reference manual is intended to help reduce maternal mortality and morbidity by ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services.